When booking temps, the hiring agency will want to know the hours of work you are offering and whether it is part time or full time work. The rate of pay being offered is an obvious question but it still needs thinking about. Consider what you would normally pay one of your permanent staff in a comparable role and use that as the base.
According to the government, many workers have been missing out on pension benefits because they failed to apply to join their employer's scheme or they were not offered access to a workplace scheme. It is because of this that the government decided to make automatic enrolment compulsory.
There will also be questions about the temp's right of access to a number of facilities and amenities at your place of work. These will include car parking, access to the canteen, Luncheon Vouchers and the availability of a crèche. It doesn't mean that you have to have any of these facilities. If you're not sure how to respond, then the hiring agency will prompt you by asking what you offer your staff who work in comparable jobs. You would be expected to offer the same facilities to your temp.
The scheme is being phased in, with larger companies having earlier 'staging dates' (the date it becomes effective for them) and smaller companies later ones. Staging dates for all companies are being staggered over six years with more and more employers being included with each month. Eventually, it will extend to employers with just one worker.
Taking on temporary staff is straightforward once you've thought through why you want extra staff and how long you will need to employ the temp. Ignore these basic requirements and the implications for your company could be long term and cost you money. Fortunately there is plenty of help and advice available online.
For employees, there is the possibility of opting out of the scheme; they will be allowed to leave it at any time. To get their contributions back however, an employee has to leave the scheme within one month, otherwise, contributions made from their wages and any made by their employer will stay in their pension pot. It is also noteworthy, that employees will be auto-enrolled every three years and every time they change employers.