2016年7月21日 星期四

[swift] How to make Localizable in SWIFT APP

1.Open Xcode and click  File->New->Project

2.Create a new project and choose Single View Application.

3.Input "Localizable" as app name

4. On "Localizable" app name , right click  and choose New File.

5. click "Resource" , "Strings File"

6. input "Localizable.strings" as file name

7.click "Localize

8. please choose "Base" and click "Localize"

9.To find "info" of "Localizations", and click add "+"

10. choose your language to your app

11. choose "Localizable.strings", and click "Finish"

12. You will have two files called "Localizable.strings"

13. at "Localizable.strings(Base)" input "test='TEST';"

14. at "Localizable.strings(Chinese)" input "test='測試';"

15. How to use

NSLocalizedString("test", comment: "")

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